Chocolate Tile Cake

Ingrients & Directions -SOUFFLE CAKE- 1/2 lb Semi-sweet chocolate 1/4 c Fresh rich coffee 7 ea Large eggs, separated 3/4 c Sugar 1 ea Pinch salt TRUFFLE CREAM 18 oz Semi-sweet chocolate 3 c Heavy cream -CHOCOLATE TILES- 8 oz Semi-sweet chocolate bar 1 ea Confectioners sugar Souffle Cake:: Preheat […]

Ingrients & Directions

1/2 lb Semi-sweet chocolate
1/4 c Fresh rich coffee
7 ea Large eggs, separated
3/4 c Sugar
1 ea Pinch salt

18 oz Semi-sweet chocolate
3 c Heavy cream

8 oz Semi-sweet chocolate bar
1 ea Confectioners sugar

Souffle Cake:: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter jelly roll pan of
approximately 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1 inches; line pan with wax paper;
allow wax paper to extend over each end by about 2 inches. Set aside.
Melt chocolate with coffee in 200 degree oven, for about 10 minutes,
or until melted. Cool. Beat egg yolks with electric mixer until
smooth. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until mixture is
pale yellow, about 5 minutes. Stir in the cooled chocolate mixture.
Beat egg whites with salt until they form stiff peaks. Stir 1/5 egg
whites into chocolate mixture to lighten and then pour chocolate
mixture into egg whites. Gently fold whites and chocolate together
until no white shows. Pour batter into prepared jelly roll pan. Bake
for 14 minutes. Truffle Cream:: Place chocolate in bowl, and place in
200 degree oven for 15 minutes or until melted. Heat heavy cream in
saucepan until hot. Slowly pour hot cream over melted chocolate, and
stir until smooth and shiny. Strain mixture into bowl and cool to
room temperature. Tiles:: Place chocolate in bowl and place in 200
degree oven for 15 minutes or until melted. Place wax paper down the
length of a 17 x 14- inch baking pan. Secure end with dab of softened
butter. Pour melted chocolate on wax paper, and with a metal spatula
spread it out the length of the baking pan. Refrigerate chocolate for
1 hour. Remove chocolate and leave it at room temperature for 5
minutes. Cut chocolate into three strips, one 3 1/4 inches wide, and
two strips 2 1/2 inches wide. Cut strips crosswise into 3/4-inch
sections to make tiles. Refrigerate until needed. Refrigerate Truffle
Cream, mixing bowl and beaters for 1 hour. Over the top of the
Souffle Cake, sift unsweetened cocoa. Cover the cake (leave in pan)
with a sheet of wax paper and cookie sheet. Invert cake onto them.
Remove jelly roll pan and wax paper. Slip out cookie sheet. Trim
rough edges of cake. Divide cake lengthwise into 3 equal strips about
3 1/4 inches each. Remove the Truffle Cream, mixing bowl and beaters
from refrigerator. Place 2 1/3 cups cream in mixing bowl. Return
remainder to refrigerator. Beat about 1 1/2 minutes. Place one strip
of cake on cookie sheet. Spread 1/2 of beaten cream on cake, top
cream with second cake strip. Place remainder beaten cream over top
and cover with last cake strip. Trim any rough edges and chill cake
for 1/2 hour. Chill clean mixing bowl and beaters. Beat remaining
Truffle Cream in chilled bowl for 1 1/2 minutes. Remove cake from
refrigerator and spread cream over top and sides. Remove tiles from
refrigerator. Trim the tiles to fit height of cake. Using sharp
knife, separate 3 strips of tile. Place the 3 1/4-inch tile over top
of cake. Leave wax paper on. Place the two remaining strips along
sides of cake. Try to align side and top tiles. Cover cake tightly
with aluminum foil and refrigerate over night. Remove cake from
refrigerator. Remove foil. Trim off ends of cake. Place cake on
serving dish. Peel off strips of wax paper. Place narrow strips of
foil diagonally on top of cake to form pattern, and sift
confectioners sugar over it. Lift off foil. Serve with Creme de
Menthe Custard Sauce. Serves 12

12 Servings


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Authentic Pennsylvania Dutch Shoo Fly Pie

Wed Oct 24 , 2012
Ingrients & Directions 1/2 c Baking Molasses 1 Egg Yolk 1/2 ts Baking Soda 3/4 c Boiling Water 3/4 c Flour 1/2 c Brown Sugar 2 tb Butter 1/8 ts Nutmeg 1/8 ts Ground Ginger 1/8 ts Ground Cloves 1/2 ts Cinnamon 1/4 ts Salt 1 Pastry for 9 inch […]

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