Unleavened Bread (chapatti)

Ingrients & Directions 12 oz Chapatti or wholemeal flour 1 ts Salt Water Sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl and gradually add a little water to obtain a hard dough. Kneed the dough for 5 minutes until it becomes elastic. Return the ball of dough to […]

Ingrients & Directions

12 oz Chapatti or wholemeal flour
1 ts Salt

Sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl and gradually add a
little water to obtain a hard dough. Kneed the dough for 5 minutes until it
becomes elastic. Return the ball of dough to the bowl, cover with foil or
cling film and place in the refrigerator to chill for 2-3 hours.

To cook, break off a lump of dough and form it into a ball approximately 2
inches in diameter. On a floured board, roll each ball into a disc
measuring 6-9 inches in diameter and about 1/8 inch thick. Traditionally,
chapattis are cooked on a convex iron plate known as a tawa, but if you do
not have one of these, they can be cooked with a high degree of success in
a dry frying pan.

Sprinkly a little flour into the frying pan, heat it and place the chapatti
in it. Cook until it is dry on one side, turn it over and cook the other
side. This should take about a minute. Once you have done this, remove the
frying pan from the heat and using tongs place the cooked chapatti directly
onto a low heat

4 servings


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Peanut Butter Rice Krispies

Fri Sep 10 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions 2/3 c Sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated) 1/4 c Peanut butter 1/4 c Liht corn syrup 1/2 c Brown sugar, packed 4 c Rice cereal -ICING- 1/2 c Chocolate Chips 2 tb Peanut Butter Cook first 4 ingredients in saucepan until well mixed and thickened, stirring constantly. […]

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