Princess Torte

Ingrients & Directions

3 Eggs
2/3 c Sugar
1/4 c Sugar (additional)
1/3 c Each of potato flour &
1 ts Baking powder
2 ts Vanilla
2 Egg yolks
1 Envelope gelatin
1/4 c Cold water
1 1/2 c Heavy cream
Green Marzipan:
1 8 oz can almond paste
1/2 c Confectioners’ sugar
3 dr Green food coloring
1 tb Egg white

In a bowl beat together 3 eggs & 2/3 cup sugar until the mixture is
very light. Sift together 1/3 cup each of potato flour & flour & 1
teaspoon baking powder. Add 1 tsp. vanilla to the egg mixture and
fold in the flour mixture. Pour the batter into two 9-inch round cake
pans, buttered & floured, & bake the layers in a moderate oven (350
degrees F.) for 15 minutes, or until they test done. Let the layers
cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes & turn them out on the rack to cool
completely. In a bowl beat together 2 egg yolks & 1/4 cup sugar until
the mixture is light. In a small bowl sprinkle 1 envelope gelatin
over 1/4 cup cold water to soften & set it over hot water until it is
dissolved. Add the gelatin to the yolk mixture with 1 tsp. vanilla.
Fold in 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped. Spread 1 cake layer with
some of the cream, top it with the other layer, & spread the top &
sides with the remaining cream.

Prepare green marzipan: In a bowl combine one 8-ounce can almond
paste, 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar, 3 drops of green food coloring,
& 1 Tbls. egg white until the mixture is smooth. Form it into a ball,
sprinkle it lightly with sifted confectioners’ sugar, & wrap it in
wax paper. Chill the marzipan for 1 hour. Sprinkle a 16-inch piece of
wax paper with sifted confectioners’ sugar & put the marzipan ball on
it. Top the ball with another piece of wax paper & roll it out into a
15-inch circle. Remove the top piece of wax paper, lay the marzipan,
paper side up, on the cake, & peel off the paper. Press the marzipan
against the sides of the cake & trim off any excess around the
bottom. Dust the top of the torte with sifted confectioners’ sugar.


1 Servings


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10-minute German Sweet Choc. Cream Pie

Sun Jan 10 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions 4 oz Package German sweet Chocolate, 1/3 c Milk, 2 tb Sugar, 3 oz Package cream cheese, Softened, 3 1/2 c Whipped topping, thawed 1 8-inch graham cracker pie Crust. Originally from: “Austin American-Stateman, May 24, 1990 Heat chocolate and 2 TBSP of the milk in saucepan […]

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