Oatcakes (not Sweet)

Ingrients & Directions

3 1/2 c Oats; quick 1/2 c Shortening
1 ts -salt 1/2 c -water ,approx.
2 tb Flour

Combine the oats, salt and flour. Cut in the shortening and add enough
water to dampen and form a ball. (A food processor does the work in a
jiffy). Leave to swell for ten minutes. Divide the doght and roll eacxh
part to 1/8″ thickness; slide onto ungreased cookie sheet, indent in
squares with a pastry wheel or knife. Bake in 350F for about 1/2 hour but
watch that they don’t turn brown.

Sweet Oatcake: Add 1 cup sugar to recipe.

Anne’s note: That recipe is labelled “Bannock” in the title in cookbook but
it far more a nonsweet oatcake in the tradition of Walker’s oatcakes (it
appears as “oatcakes” in the book’s index.

1 servings


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Almond Macaroon Cherry Pie

Sun Jan 24 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions -FOR THE PIE- 1 Pie shell, 9 inch, unbaked 21 oz Cherry pie filling 1/2 ts Cinnamon 1/8 ts Salt (optional) 1 ts Lemon juice -FOR THE TOPPING- 1 c Coconut 1/2 c Almonds, sliced 1/4 c Sugar 1/8 ts Salt (optional) 1/4 c Milk 1 tb […]

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