Drying And Reconstituting Sourdough Starter

Ingrients & Directions

DRYING SOURDOUGH STARTER: Use a cookie sheet with a lip. Place a sheet

of plastic wrap over the cookie sheet so in effect you have a “plastic

pan”. Pour 1/2 cup of starter evenly over plastic. It should be a thin

layer. Place on top of refrigerator for 1-1/2 days. Peel pieces of

dried starter off of plastic and turn over to continue drying other side

1/2 day. Be sure starter is thoroughly dry or it will mold or spoil.

When starter is dry put pieces in a blender or food processor and

process until it looks like coarse flour. Store in an airtight

container until needed.

RECONSTITUTING STARTER: Add one cup of water, 1/2 cup flour and 1 tsp.

sugar to dry starter in a plastic or glass container and follow

directions for any starter use. It takes about 24 hours for starter to


1 Instructio


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4 & 20 Meat Pie

Wed Jan 13 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions BASE 8 oz Flour 1/2 ts Salt 1/4 pt Water 2 oz Beef drippings TOP 12 oz Puff pastry Beaten egg for glaze FILLING 1 lb Minced beef 1 “cube” beef stock 1 ts Salt Pepper to taste 1/2 pt Water 1 pn Nutmeg 3 tb Flour […]

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