Crusty French Bread

Ingrients & Directions

1 tb Dry yeast
1/2 c Warm water
1 ts Salt
2 tb Vegetable oil
1/4 ts Sugar
3 c White flour

In a medium sized bowl, warmed, dissolve yeast in water & add salt,
oil & sugar. Stir together. With a slotted spoon, beat in 1 3/4 c
flour. Combine 1/2 c flour with the other ingredients. Set side in a
warm area for 15 to 20 minutes.

Flour a board with the rest of the flour & turn out the dough. Knead
till it is no longer sticky. Flatten it with the palms of your
hands. Fold in half & in half again. Roll until it is 10 1/2 inches
long. Sprinkle cornmeal on a cookie sheet & set the dough. Use a
brush to oil the surface. Slash the top of the dough with a sharp
knife & allow to proof for 30 minutes or so.

Preheat oven to 375F & bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven &
spread the surface with water, using a brush. Continue to bake for
30 to 35 minutes.

Anne Lerner, “Breads You Wouldn’t Believe”

1 servings


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Rum Cream Pie

Fri Jan 8 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions 1 Pie crust recipe for single 1/2 c Dark rum -rust pie 1 1/2 tb Unflavored gelatin 6 lg Egg yolks Bittersweet chocolate shavin 1 c Sugar -s and curls 2 c Heavy cream, well chilled Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastry, cover with foil and […]

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