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White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

Ingrients & Directions

1 c Flour — plus 2 Tb
1 tb Salt — (I usually use
1/2 tb Baking Soda
4 oz Butter Or Margarine
6 tb Brown Sugar, Packed
6 tb Granulated Sugar
1 tb Vanilla
1 Egg
1/2 c White Chocolate Chunks — *
See note
1/2 c Macadamia Nuts — ** see

* I buy large good quality candy bars, such as Lindt, and chop them
up. ** I use straight from the jar, you may prefer to chop up

Preheat oven to 375 F Mix all dry ingredients together in a separate
bowl In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until fluffy. Add
vanilla and egg–mix well. Slowly add dry ingredients to butter/sugar
mixture–mix well Add chocolate and nuts Spoon onto lightly greased
cookie sheets (I use cushionaire–no burning) Make whatever size you
what–I tend to make them large because it saves time Bake 8-12
minutes, depending on size of cookies–they should not brown, more of
a golden color Cool on rack

BTW: I usually make a double batch of the dough, separate into
halves, and add regular chocolate chunks and pecans to one (and maybe
some coconut), white chocolate and macadamias to the other–two
cookies with half the work

1 Servings

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