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White Bread

Ingrients & Directions

1 pk Active dry yeast 6 c All-purpose flour
1 3/4 c Milk* 2 ts Salt
1/4 c Water* 5 tb Sugar
1/4 c Oil or soft shortening

Altitude: 5,000 ft. Yield: 2 loaves

Thoroughly mix undissolved yeast with 2 cups flour and all other dry
ingredients. Heat milk, water and shortening over low heat until warm. (*
If dry milk is used, this may be added with the dry ingredients, and very
hot tap water used for water and milk.) Add liquids to dry ingredients.

Beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer. Add about 1/2 cup flour,
or enough to make a thick batter. Beat at high speed for 2 minutes,
scraping bowl occasionally. Add enough of remaining flour to make a soft
dough. Mix throroughly. Turn dough out on lightly floured pastry cloth or
board. Knead until smooth and satiny.

Place dough in lightly greased bowl. Cover and let rise in a warm place
(80-90 degrees) until doubled (about 1 hour). Punch down and let rise
again until doubled (about 30 minutes). Punch down. Let rest on pastry
cloth or board for 5 minutes.

Divide dough in half and shape into loaves. Place in 2 greased 8 1/2 X 4
1/2 X 2 1/2 inch loaf pans. Cover and let rise until doubled (30 minutes).
Bake in oven at 375 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes. Cool on rack.

Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee Representing Colorado Wheat Farmers

6 servings

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