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United Airlines Carrot Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Corn oil
2 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1 1/2 c Grated carrot
2 c Flour
2 ts Baking soda
2 ts Salt
1 ts Cinnamon
1 ts Allspice
1 ts Vanilla
1 tb Cornstarch
3/4 c Walnuts; chopped

6 oz Butter
8 oz Cream cheese
2 c Powdered sugar
1/2 ts Vanilla
1 ts Lemon juice

From: (Mostly Harmless)

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 16:50:10 GMT

Here are some carrot recipes i have gathered from the net lately. Enjoy!
From: (Kathleen Creighton)
There have been several requests here lately for a *good* carrot cake
recipe and I haven’t seen any replies. I got this recipe from in March, tried it out, and it’s *great*! The original
article was posted by Dorothy Westphal,

This recipe appeared in the San Jose (California) Mercury food section
about ten or fifteen years ago, and it has been my favorite ever since. The
flavor and texture of both cake and frosting are excellent, and it is EASY!

Mix until blended. Pour into wax-paper lined pan, 13×9-inch. Bake at 350
for 50 minutes. Cool. Top.

Cream Cheese Icing: Cream butter and cream cheese. Beat in other stuff
till fluffy.



From archives. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

16 Servings

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