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Teisin Lap (plate Cake) (bakestone Recipes)

Ingrients & Directions

8 oz Plain flour 4 oz Soft brown sugar
2 ts Baking powder 4 oz Mixed dried fruit
1/2 ts Grated nutmeg 2 Eggs, beaten
2 oz Butter 1/4 pt Cream, or buttermilk
2 oz Lard

Sift the flour, baking powder and nutmeg into a mixing bowl. Cut the
fat into the flour and rub it to a breadcrumb-like consistency. Mix
in the sugar and dried fruit. Stir in the eggs, and sufficient cream
or buttermilk to make a soft dough. Roll out to 1 inch thick, cut
into 2 1/2-inch rounds. Cook on a warmed greased bakestone for about
15 minutes on each side.

4 servings

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