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Sweet Potato And Chestnut Cakes

Ingrients & Directions

450 g Purple Skinned Sweet
225 g Tinned Chestnuts
75 g Butter
2 tb Chopped Parsley
1/2 ts Ground Mace
1 Egg Beaten
125 g Stale Breadcrumbs
300 g Cherry Tomatoes
1 lg Spanish Onion
75 ml Olive Oil
1 tb Brown Sugar
Flour for Coating
Salt and Pepper

1. Peel and cut the potatoes and steam for 20 minutes.

2. Place in a bowl with the chestnuts and mash until smooth with the

3. Season with the mace and salt and pepper and add the parsley. Make the
mixture into eight balls and refrigerate.

4. Meanwhile preheat the oven to its highest setting, slice the onion
thinly and place in an oven proof dish with the cherry tomatoes and olive
oil and sprinkle with sugar. Season and place uncovered in the oven for
30 minutes.

5. Season the flour and roll the cakes in the flour, then roll in the egg
and then roll in the breadcrumbs. Chill again for 10 minutes.

6. Heat 1cm deep of oil, on a medium heat and fry the cakes in batches
until golden on both sides.

7. Serve 2 cakes per person on a bed on the warm tomato salad.

1 servings

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