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Sally Lunn Bread

Ingrients & Directions

2 c Milk
2 tb Butter
2 tb Sugar
2 ts Salt
1 pk Dry quick-rising yeast
3 Eggs
4 c Flour

Makes 2 loaves

Scald the milk, or bring it almost to a simmer, and add the butter, sugar,
and salt. Let cool until tepid or just warm. Dissolve the yeast in 1/4 cup
of tepid water. Using your electric mixer, if you have a powerful one, beat
the eggs and then add teh milk mixture, the yeast water, and finally the
flour. Beat until very smooth, about 5 minutes.

Leave the dough in the mixing bowl and allow it to rise for one half hour.
Beat it down with the mixer just for a moment and then allow it to rise
again. Do this a total of 3 times and then put the dough in 2 large
greased bread pans. Allow to rise to double in bulk and then bake in a
preheated 375 F oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour.; The bread should be light
and have a nice crust.

The Frugal
2 Servings

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