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Rocky Road Christmas Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1 c Blanched almonds
375 g Dark chocolate buttons
1 pk Pink and white marshmallows;
-cut in half
1 pk Soft jube lollies or “Snake”
-lollies; cut into 3cm
; lengths
Extra 1/2 cup chocolate
Decoration; (see Note)

1. Preheat oven to 180deg.C. Very lightly grease a ring tin.

2. Place almonds on a biscuit tray and roast in the oven until pale golden.
Allow to cool before roughly chopping.

3. Place chocolate buttons in a microwave-proof bowl and cook in microwave
until melted. Be careful not to overcook the chocolate – it is better to
stir out remaining lumps.

4. Add nuts, marshmallows and lollies to the melted chocolate and stir to
coat all ingredients. Place mixture into prepared tin and press down to
avoid air bubbles. Work quickly before the chocolate sets.

5. Melt the remaining chocolate and spread over the top and place
decorations in the warm chocolate and then allow to set in the

Note: Some suggestions for decorating the top of the cake are: “Freckles”
chocolates, gold-covered chocolate coins, silver couchous, glace cherries,
almonds, 100’s & 1000’s.

1 servings

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