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Puris–indian Crispbread

Ingrients & Directions

4 c Whole wheat flour
3 tb Butter
Oil for deep frying

Put flour in a large bowl and have butter ready. Chill your fingers by
running them under cold water or rubbing then with ice. Dry well. Then,
with your fingertips, mix butter into the flour by rubbing bits of flour
and butter briskly in small circles until butter is well distributed
throughout the flour. Stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, gradually
add enough water to make a stiff dough, as with loaf bread. The dough is
moist enough when it begins to hold together and pull away from the sides
of the bowl. Turn the dough ball out onto a lightly greased surface. Pinch
off small portions one at a time and roll them into circles about 1/8 inch
thick and 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Heat the oil to a temperature of 350
degrees to 375 degrees, or until test piece of dough browns and floats to
the top. With practice, you can fry 2 to 3 puris at a time. Start with one
though. Gently slide it into the hot oil. It will sink, then float to the
top. When it does, press it gently with the back of a slotted spoon to
make it puff. Turn it over and let it cook another minute until just
golden brown. With the slotted spoon, lift out the cooked bread and lay it
on clean, absorbent cloths to drain. Continue in the same way until all
the dough is used. Serve hot. (And be careful of that hot oil!)


1 Servings

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