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Old-fashioned Herb Bread

Ingrients & Directions

2 c (473 ml) warm water
1/4 c (59 ml) honey
2 tb (30 ml) dry baking yeast
1 ts (5 ml) salt (optional)
1/3 c (79 ml) dry milk powder
1 1/2 tb (22 ml) dried and crumbled
-herb or 3 to 4 (45 to 60
Fresh herb, chopped fine*
1/2 c (118 ml) soy flour
5 c (1.21) whole wheat flour

Stir honey into warm water. Sprinkle yeast onto water and let stand 5 to
10 minutes. Add salt, milk, and herbs and blend well. Sift in half of
flours and stir. Add part of the remaining flours (according to the
coarseness of the flour more or less than 5 cups (1.21) may be needed).
Knead 5 to 10 minutes. Dough should be elastic. Allow to rise in oiled
bowl until doubled in volume. knead again, shape into two loaves and place
in oiled bread pans to rise again until double in size. Bake at 350 (177C)
45 to 55 minutes.

*Select any herb or a combination of several: anise seed, sweet basil,
caraway seed, chervil, chives, dill seed or weed, sweet marjoram, oregano,
parsley, sage, savory, tarragon, or thyme.

6 Servings

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