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Maple Syrup Cake Ii

Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Shortening 1 t Salt
1/2 c Sugar 2 1/2 t Baking powder
1/2 c Maple syrup 1/4 c Milk
1 t Vanilla 1/2 c Nuts (butternuts preferred
2 ea Eggs, well beaten -in Vermont)
1 3/4 c Cake flour

Cream shortening, add sugar gradually and cream well together. Add
maple syrup a small amount at a time, beating well after each
addition, add vanilla. Add well beaten eggs and beat the mixture
vigorously. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together and add to
first mixture alternately with the milk. Mix just enough to blend
flour after each addition of flour. Stir in nut meats and pour into 2
greased 8 inch pans. Cook in 375 F. oven from25 to 30 minutes. Frost
with maple frosting. Frosting. 1 cup maple syrup 2 egg whites pinch
salt 1 tsp. vanilla Cook syrup until it forms a firm but not hard
ball when tested in cold water. Let stand off stove while you beat
the whites with pinch of salt until stiff but not dry. Add syrup in a
fine stream, beating constantly with rotary or electric beater.
Continue to beat until frosting holds it shape. Add vanilla, and
1 servings

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