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Mama’s Golden Sponge Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/4 c Cake flour; sifted
1 1/4 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
1 c Sugar; PLUS extra
2 tb Sugar
9 Egg yolks; beaten until
1 ts Lemon extract
1 ts Orange extract
6 tb Cold water

Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and sal and sift together 3-4
times. Set aside. In a large bowl beat egg yolks until thick and lemon
colored. Add sugar very gradually to egg yolks. Beat well after each
addition until mixture is thick and light. Fold in flour, a little bit at a
time and blend well after each addition. Add extracts and then cold water
gradually, mixing only enough to blend. Bake in an ungreased tube pan for
one hour in a slow oven at 325 degrees F. Remove from oven and invert pan.
Leave pan inverted until cold.

NOTE This was a favorite cake in our house, while I was growing up.
Everytime my mom made an angel food cake (which was quite often), she
almost always made a sponge cake a few days later (with the leftover egg
yolks that she’d hold in the refrigerator in a tightly covered jar).

12 Servings

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