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Lemon Jelly Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1 c Sugar
1/3 c Margarine
2 Eggs; separated
1 ts Vanilla
1 3/4 c Cake flour
1/4 ts Soda
2 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
2/3 c Buttermilk
1/4 ts Salt

4 Egg yolks
2 Egg whites; stiffly beaten
3/4 c Margarine
3/4 c Sugar
6 tb Lemon juice
1 ts Grated lemon rind

Cream margarine, add sugar and beat well, until smooth and creamy. Beat in
the egg yolks and vanilla. Sift the salt, baking powder and flour together.
Add soda to the buttermilk. To the creamed mixture alternately add the
flour and the buttermilk. Beat the batter after each addition until smooth.
Whip egg whites until stiff but not dry adding 1/4 teaspoon salt. Fold
whites into the batter. Bake in two 8 inch layer pans at 375 degrees for 25
minutes. Grease and flour the pans.

To make filling: Melt margarine in top of double boiler. Cream sugar and
egg yolks; add to melted margarine. Add lemon juice and rind. Fold in
stiffly beaten egg whites and cook in double boiler until thick. Cool and
spread between layers.

From A Taste of Louisiana. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

12 Servings

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