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Jim’s All Bran Bread

Ingrients & Directions

4 oz All bran cereal
12 oz Tea, hot and strong
1 Egg
12 oz Cake and pastry flour
1 ts Baking powder
6 tb Golden Syrup
12 oz Mixed dried fruit
1 pn Salt

In a large bowl, mix dried fruit and All Bran. Pour hot tea over this
mixture and let stand, covered, overnight. In the morning, add egg,
flour, salt and syrup, and mix. Divide between 2 well greased loaf
pans. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 40-60 minutes. Leave to cool
slightly in pans and then turn out. Will taste better if tightly
wrapped and put in tins – almost resembles a malt loaf. Serve sliced
and buttered.

4 Servings

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