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Italian Cream Cake #2 **xwcg89a

Ingrients & Directions

Donna Kensy NRDM70A

1/2 c margarine 1/2 c oil 2 c sugar 5 ea egg yolks 2 c flour 1 ts
baking soda 1 c buttermilk 1 ts vanilla 1 cn flaked coconut 1/2 c
chopped nuts 5 ea egg whites, stiffly beaten Preheat oven to 350.
Cream sugar, margarine and oil until smooth. Add egg yolks and beat
well. Sift flour and baking soda together and add to creamed mixture.
Stir in buttermilk, vanilla, coconut and nuts. Fold in beaten egg
whites. Pour into three greased and floured 8″ round pans. Bake at
350 for 25 minutes. Cool. FROSTING: 8 oz. cream cheese 1/4 cup
margarine l lb. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup nuts. Beat
cream cheese, margarine, powdered sugar and vanilla together until
smooth. Stir in nuts. Yield:
20 servings Bonnie in Tenn.

10 Servings

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