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Hamburger Petal Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1 C Onion, chopped 1 t Salt
1 C Green pepper, chopped 1/4 t Pepper
1/2 Garlic clove, crushed 1 T Worcestershire sauce
2 T Vegetable oil 2 T Flour
1 1/2 lb Hamburger 1 Egg, slightly beaten
1/3 C Water 1 lb Biscuits, canned

Saute the onion, green pepper and garlic in the oil until tender then add
the beef and cook until brown all over. Dump out the grease and add about
1/3 cup of water. Add the worchestershire sauce, salt, pepper and flour.
Simmer until the juice thickens.

Separate the biscuits and brush the edges with the egg. Put the biscuits
against the sides and bottom of a pie plate so it is completely covered.

Stir the rest of the egg into the meat mixture and then spoon the meat into
the pie shell. If you wish you can garnish with a few tomato wedges. Bake
in a pre-heated oven at 450 degrees F. for about 8 to 10 minutes. The
biscuits should be slightly browned.


* A quick hamburger dish — I got this recipe from Judy Halter who got it
from her sister. Yield: serves 5.

* This gets its name because the biscuits around the edge puff up to look
like the petals around the center of a sunflower. This is a great bachelor
meal because you can come in from work and make it without much effort,
time or dish washing. You can play with different spices to change the
flavor. Some of my friends like to put cheese on top before baking it.

* If you live outside North America, remember that a biscuit is a scone.

: Difficulty: easy.
: Time: 10 minutes preparation, 10 minutes cooking
: Precision: Approximate measurement OK.

: Pat Caudill
: Tektronix, Inc., Portland, Oregon, USA
: patc@tekcrl.TEK.COM

5 servings

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