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French Apple Tea-cake

Ingrients & Directions

4 lg Granny smith apples; (4 to
2 tb Lemon juice
200 g Butter
1 tb Grated lemon rind
3/4 c Castor sugar
3 lg Eggs
1 1/4 c Self-raising flour
1/2 c Plain flour
1/2 c Milk
2 ts Gelatine
4 tb Water
4 tb Strained apricot jam
Toasted almonds or coconut
-to garnish if
; desired.

Grease a 20cm springform pan.

First, prepare the apples by peeling and quartering them. Remove the core,
then with a sharp knife, score each apple piece on the peeled surface about
eight times. When all apples are scored, brush with lemon juice of soak in
a water bath of lemon juice and water.

Cream butter, rind and sugar in a small bowl with electric mixer until
light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time, and beat until well combined.
Transfer mixture to large bowl, stir in sifted flours and milk. Take care
to mix the batter well so that there are no floury areas. Spread into
prepared pan and smooth the surface.

Drain the apple quarters well and arrange them, rounded side up, over the
entire surface of the cake so that they are not quite touching. At this
stage there will be several pieces of apple left over. Bake the cake at
190c. for about 1 hour. After the first ten minutes or so of baking, the
apples will probably sink to the bottom of the cake. Carefully open the
oven door and place all remaining pieces of apple over the surface of the
cake. These will then remain on the surface of the cake. If the original
apples did not sink, simply push them down gently with the remaining pieces
of apple. Complete the baking.

Sprinkle the gelatine over the water and allow to soak for 2 minutes. Stir
to combine then microwave for about 10 seconds to dissolve. Add the jam and
mix well. While still hot, brush half jam mixture over hot cake, then allow
the cake to cool in the pan. Remove the cake from the pan, brush with
remaining warmed jam mixture. Sprinkle with toasted coconut or almonds if

1 servings

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