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Custard-filled Corn Bread

Ingrients & Directions

2 Eggs
3 tb Butter; melted
3 tb Sugar
1/2 ts Salt
2 c Milk
1 1/2 tb White vinegar
1 c All-purpose flour
1/4 c Yellow cornmeal
1 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Baking soda
1 c Heavy cream

Like magic, when the corn bread is done, a creamy, barely set custard will
have formed inside. Serve with maple syrup.

Preheat the oven to 350 deg. Butter an 8-inch square baking dish or pan
that is about 3-inches deep. Put the buttered dish in the oven and let it
get hot while you make the batter. Put the eggs in a mixing bowl and add
the melted butter. Beat until the mixture is well blended. Add the sugar,
salt, milk, and vinegar and beat well. Sift in a bowl or stir together the
flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and baking soda and add to the egg mixture.
Mix just until the batter is smooth and no lumps appear. Pour the batter
into the heated dish, then pour the cream into the center of the
batter…do not stir. Bake for 1 hour, or until lightly browned. Serve
warm. Do not overbake.

6 Servings

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