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Chocolate Hazelnut Mascarpone Torte 2

Ingrients & Directions

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Make the caramelized hazelnuts and hazelnut praline: Lightly spray a
baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. In a small saucepan,
combine the sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring
constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Increase the heat to
medium-high and continue to cook without stirring for 4 to 6 minutes
until the syrup caramelizes. Immediately remove the pan from the
heat. Add the 12 perfect hazelnuts to the caramel and toss to coat.
With an oiled fork, remove each hazelnut, letting the excess caramel
drip back into the pan, and place them at one end of the prepared
baking sheet. Quickly stir the 3/4 cup of hazelnuts into the
remaining hot caramel. Pour the hazelnut praline onto the other end
of the baking sheet. Cool the praline for 30 minutes until hard.
Reserve the individual caramelized hazelnuts for decorating the cake.
Coarsely chop the praline. In a food processor fitted with the metal
chopping blade, process the praline for 35 to 45 seconds until finely
ground. Transfer the praline to a bowl and set aside. Make the
framboise syrup: In a small saucepan, combine the water and sugar.
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until
the sugar dissolves . Stop stirring; raise the heat to medium-high
and bring the syrup to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and stir
in the framboise liqueur and vanilla. Make the mascarpone cream
filling: In a 4 1/2-quart bowl of a heavy-duty electric mixer using
the wire whip attachment, beat together the mascarpone cheese, sugar
and framboise liqueur at medium speed until combined, about 1 minute.
While continuing to beat the mixture, gradually add the heavy cream;
increase the speed to medium-high and beat the mascarpone mixture
until soft peaks form and the mixture is spreadable. Cover and
refrigerate the cream until ready to use. Assemble the cake: Using a
long serrated knife, cut the cake lengthwise into 3 long strips of
equal width. Place one cake strip on a wire rack. Using a pastry
brush, moisten the top of the chocolate cake strip with some of the
framboise syrup. Using an offset metal cake spatula, spread 1/4 cup
of the mascarpone cream over the moistened cake strip. Cover the
cream-coated strip with a layer of raspberries, placed stem-side-down
in even rows over the cake (this will take approximately 2 1/3 cups
of raspberries). Scrape l 1/2 cups of the mascarpone cream on top of
the raspberries. Using a small offset metal spatula smooth the cream
into an even layer, allowing it to settle into the gaps in between
the raspberries. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of the ground praline over the
cream layer. Place a second cake strip on top of the praline; repeat
the preceding layering process and top with the final cake strip.
Reserve the remaining ground praline to garnish the sides of the
cake. Spread the remaining mascarpone cream in a thin even layer
around the sides of the cake, filling in all the gaps. Place the wire
rack with the cake on it in the refrigerator for l hour to set. Make
the glaze: Place the chocolate in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan,
bring the cream and corn syrup to a gentle boil. Pour the hot cream
mixture over the chocolate. Let the mixture stand for 30 seconds to
melt the chocolate. Gently whisk until smooth. Allow the glaze to
cool for 5 minutes. Glaze the cake: Remove the cake from the
refrigerator and place the wire rack on a baking sheet. Pour the
glaze over the cake, covering it completely. While the glaze is still
wet, put the remaining ground praline around the sides of the cake.
Refrigerate the cake for 5 to 10 minutes, until the glaze is set.
Garnish the top of the cake with the caramelized hazelnuts.

8 Servings

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