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Chili Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1 lb Ground beef 1 c Cooked red beans
1 ea Onion 1 ea 8 or 10 oz. package of
1 T Oil Cornbread mix

1 T Worcestershire sauce 1/2 t Chili powder
T Sauce (a dash) 1/2 t Salt
8 oz Tomato sauce

Brown the ground beef and the chopped onion in the oil. Add the red
beans, chili powder, salt, Worcester Sauce, a dash of Tabasco, and the
tomato sauce. Simmer for 15 minutes and then pour into a 9-inch pie
pan. Make up the cornbread mix as the label directs. Pour on top.
Bake in 450 F. oven for 20 minutes or until the cornbread is done.
Invert on a platter. Makes 6 servings. I add a bit more spices, but
this is the original recipe and you may adjust seasoning to taste.

6 servings

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