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Breakfast Pancakes With Strawberries And Orange Yoghurt S

Ingrients & Directions

2 Egg whites
1 Egg
2 oz Ordinary flour
5 oz Whole-wheat flour
2 ts Wheatgerm
1/2 ts Vanilla essence
1 1/2 tb Hazelnut oil
1 ds Ground cinnamon
12 fl Fat free milk
1 Punnet strawberries
1 1/2 tb Orange juice
1/4 pt Greek yoghurt
2 Pinches nutmeg
1 pn Mace
2 ts Honey
1/2 Orange rind
1/2 Lemon rind
1 Mango; shredded
12 Strawberries
1 Kiwi fruit; peeled and
250 g Cottage cheese

In a blender, whisk the egg whites, egg, ordinary flour, whole-wheat
flour, wheatgerm, vanilla essence, hazelnut oil and cinnamon. Add the
milk slowly to the mix in the blender and whisk to combine. Leave the
mixture in a jug overnight to thicken.

Slice the strawberries in half and then blitz in a blender. Once
smooth, pour the coulis through a sieve and into a bowl for later.
For the orange yoghurt sauce, mix in a bowl the orange juice, Greek
yoghurt, mace, nutmeg, honey, orange and lemon rind. Peel and shred
the mango, slice 12 strawberries and peel and slice 1 kiwi to use as
a filling for the pancake.

To cook the pancake, melt some butter into a flat pan on a very high
heat. When hot, use a ladle to pour one amount of the pancake batter
onto the pan. You need to move the batter around quickly so that it
covers all the surface of the pan. Let the pancake cook for 1 minute
and then flip the pancake over and cook the other side for about 10
seconds. Use a palate knife to help flip the pancake. When cooked
place on a plate and repeat the process to make more pancakes. To
serve, place two pancakes, in half, back to back on a plate.

Spread some cottage cheese on the inside of each folded pancake then
pile some of the chopped fruit on top and fold over the pancake flap
to cover the fruit.

Garnish with fruit all around the outside and pour the two sauces
down the middle of the two pancakes and around the edge.

1 servings

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