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Banana Cake #3

Ingrients & Directions

1 c Sugar
1/2 c Shortening
1 Egg
1 c Mashed ripe banana
1 ts Baking soda; dissolved In:
1 tb Water
1 1/2 c Flour
1/2 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Salt
1 ts Vanilla

Mashed bananas
1 ts Vanilla
1 ts Soft margarine
Confectioner’s sugar; for
-Spreading consistency
Lemon juice; optional

Combine sugar, shorteing and egg. Ad mashed banana, baking soda and water.
Add flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla. Mix well. Bake in a greased and
floured 9×9″ baking pan at 350 F. for 30-35 minutes or until cake tests
done. Cool. Frost with banana frosting or use lemon or orange frosting.
Banana Frosting: Mash banana. Add vanilla and margerine. Add sugar to make
correct consistency for spreading. Can add dash lemon juice to add

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 13:17:19 -0400

9 Servings

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