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Ball’s Bread & Butter Pickles

Ingrients & Directions

4 lb Cucumbers; cut into slices 2 ts Turmeric
2 lb Onions; thinly sliced 2 ts Celery seed
1/3 c Canning salt 1 ts Ginger
2 c Sugar 1 ts Peppercorns
2 tb Mustard seed 3 c Vinegar

Combine the cucumber and onion slices in a large bowl. Layer the
vegetables with the salt; cover with ice cubes. Let stand 1 1/2
hours. Drain and rinse.

Combine the remaining ingredients in a large pot; bring to a boil.
Add the drained cucumber and onions and return to a boil. Pack the
hot pickles and liquid into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace.
Remove air bubles. Adjust the two-piece caps. Process 10-minutes in
a boiling water canner.

Nutritional Information per 1/4 cup: 26 calories, 0.2g fat, 7g
carbohydrates, 0g cholesterol, 289mg sodium

** Fort Worth Star Telegram – Food section – 26 July 1995 **

7 pints

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